5 Mindset Shifts To Get You Inspired Today

Posted in: Innovation

Want to inspire yourself to make today your best day yet? You came to the right place.

At Hello Innovation, we live by some awesome values, and I’m stoked to share them with you. By the end of this post you’ll be up and ready to take this added energy, creativity, and liveliness into your day – who knows, it just might inspire you to change the world!


1. The power of a great idea can change the world.

“The people who think they’re crazy enough to change the world, are the ones who actually do.”

– Steve Jobs

Do you aim high and think BIG? Or do you just keep to the safe zone away from the edges? One thing the team at Hello Innovation does differently is we use our imagination more than any other muscle. If you’re like us, then you don’t want to create something average… you want to impact the lives of others, and you’re just crazy enough to think you can. How can you apply this mindset in your work day?


2. 100% Authentic. No BS.

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”

– Abraham Lincoln

Sure, there are corporate jobs out there, and they’re not all bad. But what if you could work in a place where you can say exactly what’s on your mind, without worrying about office politics? In short… no bullsh*t. In this fast-paced world, you can make the choice to work how you like – and I’ve found it actually helps you become successful faster. So be wild, un-tamed and a little weird. Come as you are, and bring your passion and fun side to everything you do. It will come through in all aspects of your work, and you’ll not only be successful… you’ll have a great time while doing it.


3. Passion is the fuel, money is the by-product.

“If you make money, you might not make meaning.”

– Guy Kawasaki


Are you solely focused on making a buck? What we’ve found is that regardless of your pursuit, if you have passion, vision, AND a solid business plan, you’ll be successful. Don’t just dedicate yourself to making customers happy… WOW them by going far beyond what’s expected. Don’t just create a product. Create an experience. If you bring your core values and your passion to the table, then money will come – and you had a heck of time making it happen, too.

4. Be disruptive.

“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.”

– Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher

If an idea exists, disrupt it. If it doesn’t invent it. Turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. Take risks. Challenge conventional wisdom. Whatever you do, innovate. Innovation can occur anywhere and within anyone, so embrace it. Today is your chance to make a difference, to make a splash, to create a wave of change that will ripple across the world. How can you take what you’re working on today, and disrupt the industry? Spend 5 minutes thinking about how you can take your work to the next level.


5. Fail fast, evolve faster.

“Ambitious failure, magnificent failure, is a very good thing.”

– Guy Kawasaki

So many people out there are afraid of risk. We at Hello Innovation take the opposite approach. How can we put ourselves out there? How can we push the boundaries of what we’re capable of? In short, be bold! Take risks and don’t worry if you make some wrong decisions around the way. The faster you make mistakes, the faster you learn from them. And learning is for champions. How can you push your boundaries today? Think of one thing, and then DO it!


Are you as fired up as I am?

Apply at least one of these principles in your work today, and see how that extra passion, energy, and emotion takes your work to another level.

If you want to work like this every day, then you should seriously consider applying for one of our job openings at Hello Innovation. We are putting these values into practice daily.

If you’ve got what it takes, we’d love to meet you. Apply here.

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