Hilarious Tech ECards for Valentine’s Day

Posted in: Lifestyle

Happy Valentine’s Day! For many couples, it’s a time to unwind, relax, and put away the cell phones to give each other undivided attention. For others… separating quality tech from quality time can prove to be a struggle. I empathize with you… after all, just because your beau gave you an iPad doesn’t mean he wants you to be glued to it 24/7.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I want to poke a little Cupid-style fun at this always-interesting holiday. And if you’re single this V-Day, have no fear… because you’re still the top trending Twitter topic in our hearts… 😉

Ah, the Facebook “Relationship Status”. 10 years ago, this didn’t exist. Now, it’s a mandatory conversation every new couple must have… that is, if they’re on the social network. Chances are you’ve gone through this yourself. I know I have.

Sure, the genius creator of the iPhone helped move the world forward, but he didn’t sweep me off my feet. Not that I’m complaining.

You were just hiding that fab handbag you just ordered...Right?!

For me, it will be Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at minimum. Also maybe Vine if I’m feeling creative.

Ah, to woo a lover with tweets. Welcome to 21st century love.

And you thought I was kidding...

Instagram makes everything look good… just add some filters to your relationship and you’ll be off to the steeple!

How else would you have figured out the amazing night you’ve planned?!

And for you single folks, don’t worry. I didn’t forget about you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

- xo -

The Hello Innovation Team

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